“I’ve loved Loretta ever since I first saw her on Public Television. She is filled with insight, wisdom, and is presented in a humorous, fun way. I loved her books!”
— Dr. Wayne W. Dyer, author of 10 Secrets for Success and Inner Peace
“Loretta LaRoche is a force of nature, the nation's favorite stress maven.
As brilliant as she is hilarious, Loretta's witty wisdom is grounded in solid science and cutting-edge positive psychology. Her practical advice about wearing your party pants will set you free to claim peace, creativity, humor, and happiness. ”
— Joan Borysenko, Ph.D., author of Inner Peace for Busy People and Minding the Body, Mending the Mind
"Loretta is the master at using humor, but more important, to make one stop and pay attention to what she’s saying. And what she’s saying is that we all need to slow down, love more, treat ourselves more kindly, and seize what life has to offer.”
— Alice D. Domar, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Reproductive Biology, Harvard Medical School; author of Self-Nurture

Loretta LaRoche
the Entertainer
Loretta is an internationally recognized stress-management consultant. She is well-known for her outrageous one-woman shows that have sold out nationwide venues, including Boston Symphony Hall, The Hanover Theatre, Emerson Majestic, and Berkley Performing Arts Center. With over 35 years of experience, Loretta has toured with The Power Within, sharing the stage with great leaders like Arianna Huffington, Former President Bill Clinton, Ellen DeGeneres, and Tony Robbins.
Loretta's media presence is equally impressive, with seven one-woman television specials airing on PBS stations nationwide. Her work has garnered recognition, earning her nominations for local and prime-time Emmy Awards. Loretta has also made notable appearances on major news networks such as CNN, ABC, NBC, and FOX affiliates, further solidifying her credibility and reach.
Loretta's expertise lies in improving the health of organizations by alleviating stress through humor, leaving audiences happy and optimistic. Using her wit, she helps people learn how to take stress and turn it into strength. Advocating fun, optimism, and resiliency, Loretta is the go-to consultant for stress management and improving overall well-being.